How to Choose the Right Colour Scheme for Your Website Design

June 4, 2024
by: SMK
Wave Divider

Picking the right colours isn't just about making things look nice. 

It's about creating a visual experience that connects with your audience and shows your brand message well.

But how do you choose the most suitable colours for your website?

In this blog, we’ll discuss colour psychology, and useful tips to help you with this important part of web design.

Understanding Colour Psychology

Before we talk about choosing colours for your website, let's learn about why colours matter. 

Different colours make us feel different things, which can affect how people see your website.

  • Red

Red makes us feel passionate, excited, or even in a hurry. But it can also make us feel alarmed or worried.

  • Blue

Blue gives us feelings of trust, safety, and seriousness. Many businesses use blue to seem reliable.

  • Green

Green makes us think of nature, health, and growth. It is used for things like eco-friendly products.

  • Yellow

Yellow makes us feel happy, positive, and youthful. But too much yellow can be overwhelming.

  • Purple

Purple makes us think of luxury, creativity, and royalty. It's often used to show something special.

  • Orange

Orange gives us feelings of warmth, energy, and fun. It can make us feel invited and excited.

  • Black

Black makes us think of power, authority, and mystery. It's used for fancy things or to seem important.

  • White

White makes us think of purity, simplicity, and cleanliness. It's often used for simple and clean designs.

Knowing how colours affect people's feelings can help you pick the right colours for your website.

Choosing a Colour Scheme

Now, let's explore how to pick the perfect colours for your website in simple steps:

Understand Your Brand

Your brand has its own personality, and your colours should match that. 

Think about what your brand stands for, who your audience is, and what industry you're in.

If you run a serious business like a law firm, you might want to choose more traditional and professional colours. 

But if you sell toys for kids, you could go for bright and fun colours.

Consider Contrast

Contrast is like adding spice to your colours. 

It helps important things stand out and makes your website easier to read.

Choose colours that stand out from each other. 

If your background is light, use dark text, and vice versa.

Limit Your Palette

It's easy to get carried away with lots of colours, but too many can make your website look messy. 

Stick to a small number of main colours, maybe 2 to 4, and then use different shades of those colours for accents.

This makes your design look more organised and pleasing to the eye.

Use Colour Tools

Don't worry if you're not sure which colours to pick. 

There are lots of helpful tools online to guide you.

Websites like Adobe Color CC or Colors let you play around with different colour combinations until you find the ones you like best.

Test, Test, Test

Once you've chosen your colours, it's time to see how they look in action. 

Test them on different devices like phones, tablets, and computers.

Colours can look different on each screen, so it's important to make sure they still look good and are easy to see everywhere.

Following these simple steps, you can choose the perfect colours for your website that reflect your brand, catch people's attention, and keep them coming back for more.

Common Colour Schemes

Choosing the right colour scheme for your website is crucial for creating a visually appealing and engaging online presence, and understanding the common colour schemes can help you make informed decisions.


This scheme sticks to different shades of one colour, like light and dark blues or greens.

It gives a calm and simple vibe to your website.

Great for creating a clean and organised look without overwhelming your visitors with too many colours.


Analogous colours sit next to each other on the colour wheel, such as blue, green, and teal.

They naturally blend together, creating a sense of harmony and flow.

Ideal for maintaining a unified and cohesive design throughout your website.


Complementary colours are opposite each other on the colour wheel, like red and green or blue and orange.

They create a strong contrast, making elements stand out vividly.

Perfect for grabbing attention and highlighting important parts of your website.


Triadic colour schemes use three colours evenly spaced around the colour wheel, like red, yellow, and blue.

They offer a vibrant and dynamic look to your website.

While visually appealing, balancing these three colours can be a bit tricky, so it requires careful consideration and experimentation.

Incorporating one of these common colour schemes—monochromatic, analogous, complementary, or triadic—into your website design can enhance its visual appeal and effectively communicate your brand message to your audience.

What colour scheme should I use for my website?

Selecting the right colour scheme for your website is crucial to create a visually appealing and effective online presence. 

Here are some considerations to help you decide:

Know Your Brand

Understanding your brand involves thinking about what your brand stands for, who your target customers are, and what values you want to convey. 

When choosing colours for your website, it's important to pick ones that match your brand's personality and appeal to your audience. 

If your brand is energetic and youthful, bright and lively colours might be a good fit. 

On the other hand, if your brand is more serious and professional, softer and muted tones could be more appropriate. 

The colours you choose should align with your brand identity and help you connect with your target audience effectively.

Consider Colour Psychology

Different colours evoke different emotions and perceptions.

Select colours that align with the mood and message you want to convey.

For instance, blue can evoke trust and reliability, while red can convey passion and urgency.

Test and Experiment

Try out different colour combinations and see how they look on your website.

Consider factors like readability, accessibility, and visual appeal.

Don't be afraid to experiment until you find the perfect colour scheme that suits your brand and resonates with your audience.

Understanding your brand identity, considering colour psychology, and experimenting with different combinations, you can choose a colour scheme that effectively communicates your brand message and creates a visually engaging website.

What is the 3 colour rule for websites?

The 3-colour rule is a simple guideline used in web design to create a cohesive and visually appealing colour scheme. 

Here's how it works:

Primary Colour

Choose one dominant colour as your primary colour.

This colour will be the main hue used throughout your website and should represent your brand identity.

It sets the tone for your website and establishes a visual hierarchy.

Secondary Colours

Select two additional colours to complement your primary colour.

These secondary colours should harmonise with your primary colour and add variety to your design.

Use them for accents, backgrounds, buttons, and other design elements to create visual interest and balance.

Consistency and Harmony

Stick to your chosen colour palette consistently across all pages of your website.

Ensure that the colours work well together and maintain harmony throughout your design.

This helps create a cohesive and unified look, enhancing the overall user experience.

Following the 3-colour rule by selecting a primary colour and two complementary secondary colours can help you create a harmonious and visually appealing website design that effectively communicates your brand identity and engages your audience.

Why is colour scheme important on a website?

The colour scheme of your website plays a significant role in shaping the user experience and conveying your brand message. 

Here's why colour scheme is important

Brand Identity

Your colour scheme reflects your brand identity and helps users recognise and remember your brand.

Consistent use of colours across your website reinforces your brand image and builds brand recognition.

Emotional Impact

Colours evoke emotions and perceptions in users.

The right colour scheme can influence how users feel about your website and brand, affecting their behaviour and decisions.

Visual Hierarchy and Readability

A well-chosen colour scheme helps establish visual hierarchy and guides users' attention to important elements.

It enhances readability by ensuring that text is easy to read against the background and other design elements.

User Engagement

An attractive and appealing colour scheme can captivate users and encourage them to explore your website further.

It can improve user engagement and increase the likelihood of conversions and interactions.

The colour scheme of your website is essential for conveying your brand identity, evoking emotions, improving readability, and engaging users. 

By choosing the right colours, you can create a visually appealing and effective website that resonates with your audience and achieves your business goals.

Enhancing Your Website with Appropriate Colours

Understanding the basics of colour psychology, thinking about your brand identity, and following design best practices, you can create a visually captivating and influential online platform that connects with your audience. 

Start with confidence, armed with the knowledge to explore the colourful world of web design.

Reach out to SMK Creations today to initiate the creation of a stunning yet potent website that will effectively showcase your brand and drive conversions.

Our transparent and straightforward approach guarantees you'll receive the perfect website for your business right from the start.
Book a call now and let's begin together towards online success.

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